
The mission of the Statewide Pro Bono Council is to further access to justice by supporting and advocating on behalf of the Volunteer Lawyer Programs in Washington State.



Our vision is that a strong, recognized, and well-supported network of Volunteer Lawyer Programs is able to promote access to justice for low-income residents of Washington as equal partners in the Alliance for Equal Justice system for the delivery of civil legal aid.


Every person, regardless of income, employment status, mental or physical ability, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status, deserves equal access to the justice system for their civil legal needs.

Volunteer Lawyer Programs are a valuable part of Washington’s civil legal aid delivery system and an efficient way to meet the unmet need for critical legal services.

Volunteer Lawyer Programs complement the legal services provided by staffed and specialty legal aid programs.

Volunteer Lawyer Programs serve the important function of enhancing relationships between civil legal aid providers and the communities they serve.

Volunteer Lawyer Programs are enriched by a diverse board, staff, and volunteer pool.

Volunteer Lawyer Programs should provide free high quality, efficient, and innovative civil legal assistance to low-income people through the recruitment, training, supervision, and support of volunteer lawyers.